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HNPW PSEA Session Recording: Strengthening Inter-Agency efforts to prevent and address SEA across the humanitarian response

PSEA session at the 2021 Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) Protection from sexual exploitation and abuse and...

PSEA Coordinators Experience Sharing Video

What is the role of an inter-agency Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Coordinator? What are key challenges...

IASC Learning Package for Partners on Protection from Sexual Misconduct

‘Saying No to Sexual Misconduct’ is an interactive and innovative learning package that aims to raise awareness among IASC...

IASC Interim Technical Note on PSEA during COVID-19 response

The COVID-19 Pandemic is a public health, social and economic crisis that is global in scale. With restrictions on travel and...

IASC Six Core Principles

“Sexual exploitation and abuse by humanitarian workers constitute acts of gross misconduct and are therefore grounds for...

Sexual exploitation and abuse represents a catastrophic failure of protection. It brings harm to those whom we are mandated to protect.

The Inter-Agency Standing Committee is working to scale up protection from sexual exploitation and abuse across humanitarian response efforts. This website and global dashboard has been developed and managed through the support of UNICEF. It is dedicated to providing technical support and resources to practitioners, and to tracking inter-agency, collective progress across countries with a humanitarian response.