[Translated] IASC Generic Terms of Reference for PSEA Focal Points, PSEA Networks, and PSEA Coordinators
The endorsed generic Terms of Reference for PSEA Focal Points, PSEA Networks, and PSEA Coordinators are now available in English, French, Arabic and Spanish, with thanks to IOM.
The Generic TORs harmonize and systematize the role of PSEA actors in country, while allowing for the ToRs to be adopted to context depending on the leadership structure, practical needs and realities on the ground, and PSEA developments already in place.
- The In-country PSEA Network, Generic Terms of Reference (ToRs) can be used to create or strengthen existing ToRs for a country’s technical Network or Task Force, and support the IASC commitment to establish an effective PSEA Network in every country/ response.
- The In-country Focal Point, Generic Terms of Reference (ToRs) are intended to support organizations that do not already have ToRs in place; they are not intended to replace the ToRs of organizations that already have such guidance. The Focal Point ToRs are divided into “core activities” including activities that all Focal Points should undertake, and “advanced activities” that have proven to be strong practice for a Focal Point to take on where possible, especially in high-risk responses.
- The In-country PSEA Coordinator, Generic Terms of Reference (ToRs) aim to support consistent recruitment of dedicated inter-agency Coordinators. They are lightly revised since 2019 to advocate for a more experienced professional level; to include the Coordinator’s role in supporting roll out of the UN Implementing Partner Protocol and IASC Common Assessment, and to make more visible the Coordinator’s role in “Accountability” and “Victim’s/Survivor-centered Assistance” in line with the IASC PSEAH Championship priorities.