[NEW] SEA Investigation E-Learning Course for Partners
This e-learning course is one of the deliverables of the UN High Commissioner for Refugee´s IASC Championship on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (September 2019 – December 2020). Now available for use on DisasterReady.org. This project was developed in response to specific requests from UN partners to support the strengthening of their capacity to conduct high-quality investigations of allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse, and the e-learning package was tested and refined through consultations with NGO partners and other stakeholders. Whilst the e-learning course is primarily intended for implementing partners of the United Nations that are directly conducting investigations of allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse within their organizations, it can also be useful for other partners and stakeholders to enhance their knowledge of the investigative process, applicable standards and principles, and applying a victim-centered approach.
- Translations into priority languages, including Arabic, French and Spanish, will begin in the first quarter of 2022.
- Flyer on the E-Learning Course
- An accompanying toolkit that compiles key useful resources.
- Questions on the e-learning course can be directed to UNHCR’s Inspector General’s Office, at inspector@unhcr.org.