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[Available in FR, AR, SP] Joint SEA Risk Assessment Technical Note


The Technical Note aims to support PSEA stakeholders in-country (e.g. PSEA Coordinators, PSEA Networks, etc.) to prepare and plan a joint SEA risk assessment, capturing response-wide SEA risk results. The Note aims to fill gaps by sharing and promoting good practices to perform SEA risk assessments as a collective, joint activity. The joint assessment does not replace or duplicate existing organizational or sectoral assessments, but rather builds and expands on the existing evidence-base.”


Sexual exploitation and abuse represents a catastrophic failure of protection. It brings harm to those whom we are mandated to protect.

The Inter-Agency Standing Committee is working to scale up protection from sexual exploitation and abuse across humanitarian response efforts. This website and global dashboard has been developed and managed through the support of UNICEF. It is dedicated to providing technical support and resources to practitioners, and to tracking inter-agency, collective progress across countries with a humanitarian response.