Model PSEA Clause for Inclusion in UNSDCF [English and 6 other languages]
The UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) promotes a system-wide approach and streamlines government engagement among UN entities. In May 2024, the High-Level Steering Group on PSEA endorsed the inclusion of a model PSEA clause in the UNSDCF in Chapter 2 ‘UN Development System Support to the 2030 Agenda’ of the framework document and in Annex 5 ‘Programme Management and Accountability in the Cooperation Framework’.
The model PSEA clause represents an aspirational standard, encompassing a clear prohibition of SEA, reaffirming the shared commitments to PSEA of the UN and governments, and outlining key areas of cooperation on PSEA. Its inclusion in the UNSDCF is particularly significant, as the framework is cosigned by both the Government and the UN Country Team, underscoring their joint commitment to these principles.