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IASC PSEA Core Indicators Guidance Note 2nd Edition 2024

The IASC PSEA Core Indicators assist countries to track and measure progress against the required minimum PSEA actions, as reflected in the UNCT/HCT PSEA Action Plan Template. The Guidance Note supports Resident Coordinators/ Humanitarian Coordinators (RC/HCs), United
Nations Country Teams (UNCTs), Humanitarian Country Teams (HCTs), and inter-agency PSEA Coordinators and Networks to plan, monitor and report on progress using a standard set of core indicators. The Guidance Note is also intended to support the integration of PSEA within the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC). 


  • Language: English
  • Also available in: N/A
  • Theme: Monitoring Evaluation and Reporting
  • Year of publication: 2024
  • Author: IASC
  • Size: 8,009.67 KB
  • Document:pdf
  • Country: N/A
  • Collation N/A



Sexual exploitation and abuse represents a catastrophic failure of protection. It brings harm to those whom we are mandated to protect.

The Inter-Agency Standing Committee is working to scale up protection from sexual exploitation and abuse across humanitarian response efforts. This website and global dashboard has been developed and managed through the support of UNICEF. It is dedicated to providing technical support and resources to practitioners, and to tracking inter-agency, collective progress across countries with a humanitarian response.