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CHS - Guidance Notes and Indicators

The CHS Guidance Notes and Indicators are a supplement to the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS). This document is aimed at all humanitarian actors and organisations involved in planning, managing or implementing a humanitarian response, including staff and volunteers of local, national and international agencies. It may also be used by government agencies and local authorities and adapted for use with affected communities.


  • Language: English
  • Also available in: N/A
  • Theme: Monitoring Evaluation and Reporting
  • Year of publication: N/A
  • Author: N/A
  • Size: 1,800.24 KB
  • Document:pdf
  • Country: N/A
  • Collation N/A



Sexual exploitation and abuse represents a catastrophic failure of protection. It brings harm to those whom we are mandated to protect.

The Inter-Agency Standing Committee is working to scale up protection from sexual exploitation and abuse across humanitarian response efforts. This website and global dashboard has been developed and managed through the support of UNICEF. It is dedicated to providing technical support and resources to practitioners, and to tracking inter-agency, collective progress across countries with a humanitarian response.